The Unlucky Isles is available on DriveThruRPG
You can buy The Unlucky Isles [affiliate link] on DriveThruRPG in PDF or print. Be sure to snag the PWYW Region Map [affiliate link] as well, as it’s much larger than the version I could fit in the book.

Featured by DM Tales
YouTuber DM Tales did a lovely highlight feature on my first Godsbarrow book, The Unlucky Isles [affiliate link], on his channel in Skipping Lunch Episode 8. The segment starts at 8:00. (I sent DM Tales a review copy.)

This is the first time anyone has covered The Unlucky Isles in a video, and it was fascinating to hear DM Tales’ take on the book. The whole stream is excellent, with a gentle energy and a relaxed vibe that makes it a really fun watch.
A big thank you to DM Tales for featuring The Unlucky Isles!
Welcome to Halfbeard Press
Howdy, I’m Martin Ralya — and welcome to the website for Halfbeard Press! I founded this company on July 7, 2022, to publish material for the fantasy campaign setting I’ve been working on daily since March 2021: Godsbarrow.
I’ve been creating and sharing maps, regional write-ups, design notes, cultural sketches, and all sorts of other material related to the world of Dormiir (more commonly known as Godsbarrow) on my personal blog, Yore. Starting up a Godsbarrow campaign was what galvanized me to set up Halfbeard Press and take a run at publishing my work.

The next book
Writing is underway on The Gilded Lands, Godsbarrow Guidebook 2. Like The Unlucky Isles [affiliate link], this will be a gazetteer covering the six countries that make up the Gilded Lands region (just east of the Isles).
Want to know more about Godsbarrow? I’ve been working on this fantasy campaign setting daily since March 2021, and sharing my material on Yore.
You can reach Halfbeard Press via email: martin at halfbeardpress dot com.